You've done everything you know how to do for your business,

You've followed the advice, done the courses, read the books, listened to the podcasts...

but it's just not working like it should, like they said it would.

And you can't possibly work any harder than you have been. You'll run out of hours in the day!

Burn out feels right around the corner.

Frustration and disappointment, a daily battle.

Stay in your zone of genius? You can't even stay awake.
It feels like everything is duct-taped together and if one thing stopped firing, it'd all crumble.

If they saw what a mess it was behind-the-scenes...

They'd know you don't feel like a CEO at all.

More like a slave to the system who puts out fires, but never actually accomplishes anything.

There are too many pieces all over the place and you're already behind by the time you wake up.
Or are you? Who knows! It's all feels random and strategy-less.

You're drowning in to-do's and have considered throwing in the towel.

You've seen glimpses of it working, but not consistently.

And the worst thing is that it's spilling over into other areas of your life.

It's hurting your relationships, taking a toll on your health and.. self-care?! Ha!

This has GOT to stop.

You can't get to where you want to go if you stay on this path.

I know that... and deep down, so do you.

I can speak so clearly to this because I've been there.

I have the crying voicemails and abandoned Leadpages to prove it.

I(t) was always "fine" until I rolled over one day and realized I wasn't proud of the life I'd created,

and knew it HAD to change.

(hint: it didn't have to do with working harder)

Our businesses are only as strong as the personal foundation it’s built on.

So, when the business isn't working, there's something internally that isn't working...

But when you're drowning in $10/hr tasks, you can't possibly steer the ship.

You don't have the time, energy or resources to actually dig in and focus on what really matters.

To get something you've never had, you've got to BE someone you've never been.

That can sound scary. It can feel uncomfortable. But it's the truth.

It requires us going off-script, and stepping into that leader role.

Everything we've ever wanted is outside of our comfort zone and inside this elusive "Unknown"

So let's play in THAT sandbox.

 I facilitate growth and expansion in a way I've never seen anywhere else.

Consider these last few months a powerful experiment to test the people, products and processes.

Now it's time to double down on STRATEGIC GROWTH.

To make peace and accept your current reality,

And allow today, not your past, to determine your worth.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.

Let’s do this.


Phoebe Mroczek is the advisor you need when you feel unclear, unfulfilled or unsatisfied with one or more areas of your life. She studies identity, neuroscience and intuition to help successful leaders gain clarity, make great decisions and stay true to their calling.

Phoebe Mroczek is a leader in energetic intelligence leader and a media personality in the consciousness space. She is the founder of Unbecoming®, a leading podcast and nationally-syndicated radio show that reaches nearly 180,000 listeners per week and breaks down the knowledge from the world’s most interesting and intelligent people into meaningful, actionable steps. The mission of Unbecoming is to elevate the consciousness of the world by helping leaders unravel the misconception that you need to become something or anything other than who you are to be the person, do the work and have the impact you want in your life.

Phoebe believes that while what we do in the world is important, we are meant to do so much more in life than just work. As a curious explorer and recovering perfectionist, she has traveled to nearly 70 countries on 6 continents, been cage diving with great white sharks, camped in the Serengeti and motorcycled across 15 countries in Europe.

"Working with Phoebe this past year has literally changed the trajectory of my business. Phoebe helped me craft the vision of what was possible with my online art business.  She always asked the right questions, pushed me out of my comfort zone and reached out when I needed it most. Her business intuition and number sense is spot on and I couldn’t have created the business I have today without her. Thank you!"                                       - Patty Palmer, Deep Space Sparkle