Rock the Tutu

"YOU'RE JUST TOO MUCH" she yelled.

Though intended to be an insult, I laughed.

"You're right" I wanted to respond,

..Because it's better than the alternative.

We're told from the time we're little to

"Be quiet"

"Do what you're told"

"Stay in line"

But when are we celebrated for standing out?

I've found over the years

That my, what I call "range," is wide.

Perhaps even wider than most,

And I'm very proud of that fact.

No one-trick pony here,

No cookie cutter conversations,

No time for a flavorless life.

On one hand,

I can be quite serious, focused,

Driven and goal-oriented.

Think zoom strategy calls, sales convos,

Budgets, pomodoros, spreadsheets,

Voxer messages, emails, ad dashboards.

But when that pendulum swings the other way,

It's all fun, light and laughter!

Adventure, silliness and inappropriate jokes.

It's tutus, glow sticks, light-up glasses,

Karaoke, neon, too many beers,

One-way tickets, surprises and no plans.

The common denominator is simply.. truth.

It's who I am.

My range is vast,

My skills are varied.

And my passion for fun & adventure is unparalleled.

This is what we should be celebrating.

This is what we should be proud of.

And best of all-

This is what we should be sharing.

Rather than trying to "niche down" your life,

Fit into a box or FFS "Blend in"

Love all sides of you-

It makes you who you are.

Those who care, matter.

And those who matter, care.

Now rock that tutu,

Buy that ticket,

And tell that same joke over again -

Because what you think is random,

And what you feel is true-

Wasn't given to anyone

In the same way it's been given to you.